Traffic Logix

Traffic Logix

The Global Leader In Traffic Calming & ITS Solutions

Cost-effective safety solutions to calm traffic and prevent accidents on your local roads. Our solutions include innovative radar speed signs, radar trailer units, and school zone signs.

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  • Radar Speed Signs

    Radar Speed Signs

    SafePace radar speed signs are designed to slow cars down, to make streets safer for everyone. SafePace radar speed signs have been proven to be effective, particularly with today’s highly visual, often distracted drivers.

  • Speed Camera Systems

    Speed Camera Systems

    Whether you want to gather data and imagery on speed violators or use cameras to help enforce speed limits, our solutions are here to help you capture the images you need for safer roads. Images can be used to warn drivers or enforce speed limits.

  • SafePace Cloud

    SafePace Cloud

    Access all your traffic data and manage sign performance from anywhere with an internet connection. No need to connect to signs or visit sign locations- real-time data is accessible whenever and wherever you need it.


Traffic Logix


We’ve saved countless lives along the way and created meaningful partnerships with hundreds of cities looking toward a brighter, safer future. Our goal is to keep delivering innovative ITS solutions as we work with our customers to bring our vision of safer streets for everyone closer to reality. Together, we can save lives.